Texas Renaissance Festival - November 17, 2007

Our day trip visit to the Texas Renaissance "Barbarian Invasion" Festival on November 17 could only be described as near perfect. Cool, cloudy day with lots of food and numerous attractions...something to suit everyone. Especially interesting were the Joust(s) staged in the Arena (filled to capacity at 1 p.m.)and on the Falconer's Stage--Birds of Prey: hawk, vulture, owls. About noon the 20 minute Grand Marche parade of the Royal Courts of Europe--200 performers--gave us the viewers a continuous show of costumes, all colorful, elaborate, some zany, a pleasing sight for the crowd lining the route. Over 30 percent of the paid attendees were in various sorts of medieval costume, everything from head-to-toe covering to almost nothing. The funnel cakes and turkey legs and other multi-cultural foods and drinks were fabulous: no complaints on quality or variety. Our cameras were clicking to create wonderful memories throughout the day. But being there, the sensual seeing and listening along with an enthusiastic crowd reinforced our eventual recall of events. We returned tired but totally satisfied with the day's experiences.